Make him part of your life and your home
Start living together is more than a huge step in a relationship. It’s the real test if you two can make a family because actually living with someone is much different than spending a lot of time together and still having own place. It’s stressing both for the person who is moving and the person who welcomes the partner to his or her place. Here is how to make the process smoother:

  • Personal space. Most couples in love think that they don’t need some area kept only for the individual. Soon after people start living together, they understand it’s not exactly like that. Keep seeing your friends or go out with your company. You’re not stuck with your partner.

  • Have own opinion. It’s important both for the relationship and for your common living. Compromise doesn’t mean you cannot think on your own. Take important decisions together after discussing it carefully but don’t give up nice ice-cream just because he doesn’t eat sugar.

  • Common involvement. Housework isn’t the most pleasant activity you can do with your partner but it’s essential to your living together. Don’t turn into a housekeeper or dictator. Share unpleasant duties like oven and window sanitising, home cleaning and dish washing. This will teach you both to work as a team. Also don’t reach the other end: making a problem for every sock that didn’t landed in the laundry pile.

  • Don’t stop experimenting. When living together becomes habit, it can turn into burden. Don’t stop going out and making new things just because you are saving money for a car or apartment. Be creative and think of ways to spend less instead of staying home every night.

  • Enjoy the differences. Probably this is one of the things that brought you together – you were different. Use them in your favor and don’t be afraid to ask for help when you can’t manage on your own, that’s why you are together. And besides men like to be appreciated for their strength and handiness. Use them when it comes to deep carpet cleaning, assembling furniture or other activities that require muscles.

Living together is mostly for learning about each other. Talk and not only for small things like what you’ll do tomorrow at work. Don’t neglect your communication in order to finish your daily tasks.

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