In small amounts, jealousy is helpful, but excessive jealousy is poisonous for health. Jealousy is often underestimated by modern medicine, although exactly jealousy is one of the most unhealthy states of mind. Perhaps everyone has been jealous in life, but it is important to be able to master this feeling, which is a serious blow to the body and internal bullying. Jealous people often suffer from insomnia, headache, anxiety, stomach pain, digestive problems. Jealousy increases appetite. Jealousy is even able to influence your senses and according to scientists from jealousy you become “blind” for surrounding reality. The more jealous you are, the harder you can see and perceive normal surrounding reality. Learn more about that:

  • Psychologists believe that heart burning is also poisonous for health. When you are jealous, it is equal in strength of heart attack. Jealousy, constant doubts, malice increase concentration of the stress hormones - corticoids, while the level of serotonin, a hormone that creates a sense of happiness is decreased.

  • The reasons for jealousy are many, and its manifestations are numerous too. According to scientists jealousy is provoked by feelings of fear of losing loved ones, insecurity, low self-esteem.

  • Jealousy is characteristic feeling in children who have just become brothers and sisters. They are no longer the only child in the family and therefore they receive only half attention from Mom and Dad. Jealousy in children can cause aggression, bedwetting and in very rare cases - even asthma.

  • Jealousy between lovers is something that can make you literally lose your mind and be unable to think clearly. And paradoxically precisely more jealous in a relationship is the one that is more prone to infidelity. Such persons may be suspicious even to the one off cleaners.

  • According to a study, jealousy is divided into five types: manic, paranoid, depressive, hypertrophied and fear of divorce. Jealousy is expressed in three things - emotions, thoughts and behavior. If jealous thoughts are normal for you, then surely jealousy will soon be expressed by certain behavior and thoughtless actions. Jealousy is sometimes so strong that it is able to induce a person to violence and even murder.

  • How to heal jealousy? To get rid of unhealthy feelings of jealousy, first try to find out what provoked it. If you remove the source you will also get rid of jealousy. The important thing is not to keep toxic feelings inside you and discuss it with your partner, if he is the cause of your jealousy for example. Perform together the deep post tenancy cleaning and discuss your problems.

Eat, pray, love without being jealous!

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