Pumpkin – this is the ‘queen’ of the autumn feast! This orange fruit distinguishes not only by its large size, but also by its valuable qualities: it is healthy and can be cooked in a variety of ways. Here are the main benefits of eating pumpkins:

  • Pumpkin is a great source of vitamin A, which helps for strengthening the immunity. In addition, it also contains vitamins C, B1, B2, B12, K, D, etc. Pumpkin is rich in minerals – calcium, potassium, phosphorus, iron, copper, zinc, etc.;

  • Beneficial substances are contained not only in the flesh of the pumpkin, but its seeds as well – they have lots of zinc, protein and iron. You can eat them both raw and toasted;

  • Pumpkin is low of calorie, so it is a real treasure for those who strictly follow a healthy lifestyle. There is even a pumpkin diet: for two weeks you have to eat a variety of pumpkin dishes four times a day. In addition, you may do some physical exercises. Cleaning carpets is a good example for such activity – it is useful both for you and your home;

  • The fibers in pumpkin are easy to absorb, even from very weak organism. That is the reason pumpkin dishes to be recommended during treatment and prevention;

  • Pumpkin has a soothing effect and is even recommended to pregnant women. If you suffer from insomnia, then it is good to take half a glass of fresh juice from pumpkin in the evening before bedtime. Another option for you is to drink the water from the boiled pumpkin. This tasty fruit is a strong enemy of the stress! Get rid of the thought that you are obliged to do everything at home or the office by yourself, because this is how you get stressed. It will never be wrong to ask for help from the local expert cleaners, for example.

  • Due to the high content of potassium, pumpkin protects against a number of heart diseases. Pumpkin helps the process of blood coagulation, too. It is recommendable for hypertension and swelling every day to accept 200 gr. pumpkin, preferably roasted.

One of the most important qualities of pumpkin is that it can be stored without losing the valuable vitamins and minerals. You will be able to enjoy this delicious food during the whole autumn and winter! So, what about you – do you like pumpkins?

12/3/2014 04:05:19 pm

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