It is generally accepted that the bedroom is the most intimated room for a person. So that’s why it should be furnished in a way that makes it provide relaxation, pleasure and harmony. Before you go the furniture store, consider how the perfect bedroom looks for you. This room is a reflection of you – your inner world. It is believed that your character depends on some extent on the stars…on your zodiac sign, actually. We have selected for you some tips on how to furnish your bedroom, according to this theory:

  • If you are an Aries, you probably are a fan of vivid colour and clean lines. You don’t like steering wheels or heavy draperies. Bring the Sun into your bedroom! Use colours like orange, yellow… The Aries have a fiery soul. Reddish wooden objects would ensure them a real pleasure and harmony;

  • Taurus – if it depended on you, you would make a botanic garden in your bedroom! Yes, we know how much you love plants. That’s why you often decorate your home with various flowers, don’t you? The most suitable colours for you are blue, pink and light green (like an apple);

  • Gemini – they are fans of the most fashionable style in furnishing, called high-tech. Probably, for you the perfect bedroom is full of cutting-edge technology – home cinemas, computers ... You just turn the bedroom into a multifunctional one;

  • Cancer – for you bedroom is like a Temple of the dreams. You are a creative and sensitive person. The best colour for you would be white or cream;

  • Leo – he is a Bohemian. He prefers spending much, but furnishing his bedroom in the best possible way. As a true fan of luxury, Leo is extremely happy in a bed with satin sheets;

  • Virgo – they are a bit pedantic. Maybe they do domestic cleaning better than anyone else. They prefer furniture with a natural look. The only decorations you can see in their bedrooms are usually paintings;

  • Libra – the perfect bedroom for them has tassels, lace and almost looks like ...boudoir. The preferred colours for the Libras are pastel-peach, sugar pink, soft-lilac;

  • Scorpions – they are very passionate and real fans of anything erotic and exotic. They like the dark and mystical furniture;

  • Sagittarius – he is a maximalist. It means he likes spacious bedrooms. It’s better if it’s painted in warm and cozy colours;

  • Capricorn – he loves wardrobes. The most suitable furniture for him is made from oak or mahogany;

  • Aquarius – he likes designer furniture. Accessories in his bedroom are also non-standard and bizarre. Even the lights may have some weird shapes;

  • Pisces – they like sleeping very much. They love the big beds, soft colours and delicate fabrics.

Of course, these advices are a bit subjective. When it comes to home furnishings, things could be different and individual. The most important is to listen to your own desires, feelings and taste – so in the end, you will really have the perfect bedroom.

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