What do you know about Feng Shui? In fact, it is an ancient Chinese teaching on how to arrange the home, so the energy would be able to move freely. 

Whether you are superstitious, realist or skeptic, you probably have some possessions, which bring you luck (in your opinion) – the so called mascots! You believe (less or more) that they protect you from troubles and attract happiness and success.

Here are several “mascots” for your home, according to Feng Shui:
  • Wall calendars – the magical effect of the calendar depends on what is depicted on it. For example, if your calendar has a photo or picture with a peaceful lake, then expect to have such a year. 

If there is a picture with a rich fruity assortment in a bowl, it means there will be abundance for you. The flowers on the calendar are sign of romance and love;

  • Tapestries – everything, which you’ve made by yourself and is handmade, has a unique magical effect. It is best to choose images of birds, flowers, butterflies, and any positive decorations and motifs;

  • Mirrors – They are protective. But you have to be careful with the mirrors. They should always be placed in the right place. It is good one of them to be just opposite the front door. There should be only one large mirror in each room. Remember that the mirror should be set so that as you sit or lie, you may not see your reflection;

  • Old furniture – if your home has at least one type of furniture, belonged to generations of your family, such as an old dresser or buffet, it can serve as a mascot for success. But this is only if your ancestors have lived happily ever after. Otherwise, you’d better run one off cleaning and get rid of this furniture;

  • Statues – it is believed they are powerful amulets. For example – a cat figurine will protect you from gossips and intrigue, the figurine of a dog attracts faithful friends. Seven elephants will create harmony in your home, and the lion will help you in your career.

  • Plants – every plant has its own energy. Cactus is protective and purifies the energy of home. Ivy and other climbing plants do the same, too. If you want to improve your personal life, it is appropriate for you to grow a Hibiscus;
  • Magnets on the fridge – it's best for them to have a shape of a fruit or vegetable. They help for healthy eating. Don’t put magnets in the shape of people or animals;
  • Stones, shells, ikebana  - do you like paintings from pebbles, sea shells, dried flowers? Yes, they can be quite original and beautiful. In addition, they have a positive impact on the energy at home. For best results, check the importance of minerals and plants, before you combine them.

Remember that if something annoys you and you think that it is redundant – just throw it away. Such a thing cannot be a mascot and it won't bring you anything good.

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