Children, regardless of their years are individuals and have their wishes and requirements. Well, children grow up and seek independence, and their parents experience this period a little bit painfully. Everything is in order. However, if your grown up 13 year old girl wants to have evening fun with friends, ask her to make a pyjamas party in your home. 

So your child will have fun with friends and he/she will feel independent, and you will be actually in the other room and you will sleep peacefully. Get a glimpse on these features of the slumbersuit revelry:

  • What is a pajamas party? This is a party like any other, only with pyjamas. Imagine 10 teenage girls on the cusp of puberty. Room designated for the party is full of scattered clothes, makeup and accessories. Music is with songs with their favourite boy bands and after 3 or 4 songs can be heard Justin Bieber.

  • This is called full teen idyll. Last but not least, everywhere are put bowls with chips, pop corn and several boxes of greasy pizza. Jugs of punch are also a serious element.

  • Somewhere among the exciting conversations for "coolest guy" from the other class and "nasty teacher" of history, idea of ​​a pillow fight is just lurking. Girls start to jump on the bed like crazy, and the whole room done in feathers from the pillows.

  • If this is a complete shock for the parents, it’s an unforgettable experience for the children. While listening to joyful screams from the next room, suddenly you hear a sharp noise of something broken. Pity punch and pitcher, but unfortunate for stained carpet.

  • Well, children are not guilty, because being young, wild and slightly reckless is not a vice! The worst is that you are tenants and should leave the apartment in a week.

  • Just when you thought that end of tenancy cleaning will be seamless, comes time to clean the carpet in the nursery. Do not worry! Cleaning of stains on the carpet caused by juice is just a matter of few hours. Rub the carpet with lemon juice, sprinkle it with salt and dry in the sun. Then wash it in a standard mode with detergent. The carpet became like a new one.

Your child will be super entertained, the carpet will be like new, your deposit will be returned without a problem, and you're the best mom ever!

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