Scientists have proved that harmony in the interior has a direct impact on the behavior of adolescents. So, you have to take a good care for the kid’s room in order to provide the best living conditions for your kid. Check out these Feng Shui principles, valid for the room of your child:

  • According to this ancient Chinese teaching, the kid’s room must be oriented to the east.

  • When choosing colors for the carpet, fabrics and curtains do not stick to outdated rule that girls like pink and red, and boys - blue. It turns out that "boring" earthy colors like beige, ocher, brick, brown are much more suitable for children. Naturally, every kid will bring personal style in his "possession", as it will refresh it with accessories in different shades.

  • Hyperactive children feel best in a small room with fluffy rug in white and blue. If the kid is quiet and shy, large room painted in green and red, in which penetrates much light is more appropriate.

  • Artistic children feel well in bright rooms with cream blinds, whose floor is covered with parquet or terracotta. Don’t forget about regular carpet cleaning if there is a rug on the floor.

  • Experts do not recommend plastered walls with posters on which were painted cartoon characters. It turns out that their wide eyes, broad smiles and the bright colors on their faces can make even the calmest kid hyperactive.

  • According to scientists a positive impact on the child has a picture hanging opposite the door. It’s best to be chosen by the kid. Even if your tastes do not match, you need to realize that it has its own personality and opinion and that there is nothing wrong to impose it in their inviolable territory. By the way you can ask the child to help you with the regular domestic cleaning of itd room.

  • Be sure to install in the room of a teenager ticking clock. Its sound teaches to discipline.

  • Globe or map stimulates his thirst for knowledge. Quartz crystal placed in the northeast corner of the desk will help the child to absorb the learning material with greater ease.

Good luck in bringing these changes to the kid’s room in your home!

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